The graduate program in Naval Construction and Engineering (Course 2N) is intended for active duty officers in the U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard and foreign Navies who have been designated for specialization in the design, construction, and repair of naval ships. The curriculum prepares Navy, Coast Guard and foreign officers for careers in ship design and construction and is sponsored by Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command. Besides providing the officers a comprehensive education in naval engineering, we emphasize their future roles as advocates for innovation in ship design and acquisition. All officers write a thesis and we endeavor to direct them toward research that supports the needs of the Navy or the Coast Guard. The course of study consists of both a two-year program, which leads to a Master of Science degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, and a three-year program, which leads to the degree of Naval Engineer.
The principal objective of both the two and three-year programs is to provide a broad, graduate level technical education for a career as a professional Naval Engineer with ship orientation. In addition to concentrating on hydrodynamics, structures, and design, the curricula of both programs provide an appreciation for total ship engineering in a manner not covered by specialists in mechanical, electrical, structural, or nuclear engineering. This approach provides an academic background for individuals who will later occupy positions of influence and actively participate in the concept formulation, acquisition, design, construction/modernization, maintenance, and industrial support of large-scale ship system programs.
The curriculum emphasizes ship design through a sequence of five courses. Course 2.705, “Projects in New Construction Naval Ship Design” is the last in the sequence of courses in naval ship design at MIT. This ship design project, along with the graduate thesis, represents the culmination of the three-year Naval Construction and Engineering Program. The ship design project provides each student with the opportunity to develop an original concept design of a naval ship. The project begins during their third summer, continues through the Fall semester and Independent Activities Period and completes in their final Spring semester. The major objectives of the project include: (a) application of their naval architecture and ship design education in a complete concept design process; (b) application of their MIT technical education to at least one area of detailed engineering in this project (ex: structures, hydrodynamics, signatures); (c) contribution to existing MIT 2N design tools; and (d) application of at least one new technology. These objectives are the basis for specifying requirements and planning individual projects.
There are 2 active-duty engineering officer faculty for the Naval Construction and Engineering program and several USN officer students attending MIT. The Hellenic, Turkish, Canadian, and Israeli Navies, as well as the US Coast Guard also have students in the program. The Curriculum Officer is appointed as a Professor of Naval Construction and Engineering. The Academic Officer is appointed as an Associate Professor of Naval Construction and Engineering. Officer students are admitted, and Navy faculty members are appointed, through normal MIT procedures. The program is a model of voluntary collaboration for the mutual benefit of MIT and the Navy.